How Bullying From Wrestlers Drove Amy Weber Out Of WWE, Explained

Posted by Lorie Orum on Friday, May 17, 2024

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Amy Weber secured a WWE contract after participating in the 2004 Diva Search competition, where she finished fourth. She was introduced to WWE programming as JBL’s image consultant during his WWE Title reign. She left the company the next year, citing low pay and a “frat house like environment” as the reason. There were rumors that the real reason she left was due to getting hazed by other wrestlers. Years later, Weber confirmed these rumors and revealed it was the main reason behind her leaving WWE in 2005.

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Amy Weber Claimed That Randy Orton & Edge Harassed Her

A few years ago on her YouTube channel, Weber talked about the real reason she left WWE. It was because of bullying from wrestlers like Edge and Randy Orton.

Weber said she was once training to have a "real" wrestling match with Joy Giovanni. They were on a ten-day tour, and while they were in Japan practicing for their match, Joy kicked Weber a bit too hard during a spot, and she ended up hurting her tailbone.

"While we were in Japan, on the way back to Alaska, I was practicing. I was supposed to grab the rope and break my fall, and unfortunately, I couldn't get to the rope. She kicked me a little hard in the stomach. [ . . . ] I landed on my tailbone, so they thought I might have cracked it. Nothing huge. I could still walk, but it was very painful." (H/T Fightful)

Her trainer asked her to get some ibuprofen from the men's locker room, and she followed their advice. On the flight back to Alaska, Orton slammed Weber’s chair from behind and harassed her for going into the men’s locker room. She fell to the floor because of the impact.

"Randy Orton decided to come up behind my chair and he slammed into it like a linebacker so hard that I landed on the floor of the airplane, and then he said to me, 'You're gonna learn, b**ch.'"

She didn't understand his behavior at all and tried to ignore it and went back to sleep. Sometime later, Edge threw his drink on her for no apparent reason and Amy confronted him about this, but the Rated R Superstar pretended to be clueless.

"I was awoken by someone pouring a drink in my face. So immediately, I popped up, I looked up, and I saw Edge, yes, you, Edge, with a partially drank drink in his hand. There was a little bit left and it was the same color that was basically all over me. So I stood up on the airplane seat and I was eye-to-eye with him, and I said, 'Do you have a problem with me?'"

Edge said no and Weber challenged him to fight her if he had an issue with her, but he kept denying that he threw a drink at her.

Amy Weber Told WWE She Was Leaving Because She Wasn't Getting Respect

So after this incident, Weber talked to Shane McMahon and told him that she was leaving WWE. She could no longer take the disrespect from other wrestlers for seemingly no reason. Weber said that she "just felt like I couldn't continue to be in an environment where people had no respect for me."

She last appeared in WWE after shooting a tranquilizer gun at JBL, which he brought to take down The Big Show. JBL later fired her for this and Weber never appeared in WWE again.
