Twerks and Splits of the Taiwanese Basketball Cheerleaders distracted a free throw shooter by showin

Posted by Carisa Kissane on Sunday, May 19, 2024

Attempting free throws in the Super Basketball League, or SBL is good luck. In Taiwan’s SBL, a semi-pro men’s basketball league, the cheerleaders go above and above to promote their squad.

The cheerleaders in the SBL are in charge of more than just leading the chants. They are also tasked with distracting opposition players in the SBL. They accomplish this by erecting a business beneath the basket.

Basketball in Taiwan is wild 😭

— Sportsville (@Sportsville_) March 3, 2023

The first factor in the distraction equation is where you are standing in relation to the basket. Getting the opposition’s players’ attention is the second step in encouraging them to focus on something other than basketball.

Is there a more impressive method to accomplish it than by combining one’s flexibility with a dancing move? If there is, neither the Changhua BLL cheerleaders, the LuxyGirls, nor I am aware of it.

On social media, a few videos of the LuxyGirls using their free throw distraction during a game have started to circulate.

While a member of the Taiwan Beer attempts a free shot, a few squad members start twerking and doing the splits while the majority of the team watches and rattles their pom-poms under the hoop.

Su Pai-chang’s attempt at a free throw is missed because of the distraction’s flawless execution.

The LuxyGirls Are Revolutionizing cheerleading

The cheerleaders are an essential component of the squad in Taiwan, or at least in the SBL. I would assume so. How could they not be if they are engaging in these kinds of distractions?

Forget about the stress of making a free throw. these kinds of distractions add a whole other layer of complication. They might actually have an impact on how games turn out.

Like me, you need to learn more about the LuxyGirls and the Super Basketball League. There are just four teams in the SBL, which was established in 2002. One of the groups is known as Beer.

The Bank of Taiwan, Changhua BLL, and Yulon Luxgen Dinos are the only other teams in the league, along with Taiwan Beer.

in relation to the LuxyGirls. The little cheerleader squad has been dubbed Taiwan’s first squad to perform in an American style.

I have no idea why. If I didn’t notice something, free throws in the USA don’t involve maneuvers of this nature. Loss is ours.

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