Lunar Eclipse & Relationship Changes

Posted by Carisa Kissane on Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Welcome to a new month! With Pisces season underway, the March monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign kicks off in a mystical swirl of feelings and fantasies. Everyone will feel the magic, especially when the Pisces sun forms a sweet sextile to lucky Jupiter—Pisces’ traditional ruler—on March 1.

However, you should look out for volatility and mood swings around March 9, as high-octane Mars squares off with electrifying Uranus. Act with care! Communicative Mercury enters red-hot Aries that same night, which could make us extra feisty. Thankfully, a Pisces new moon rises the following day, bringing an opportunity to check in on your feelings and tackle emotions with more gentleness.

On March 11, romantic Venus joins the sun in Pisces, casting a gorgeously idealistic glow over our relationships for the remainder of the month. The sun links up with dreamy Neptune for the two planets’ annual conjunction later that week, making mid-March a beautiful time for daydreaming and creativity. Energy shifts in a big way on March 19, as the sun enters Aries—an ingress that marks the spring equinox as well as the astrological new year. New beginnings abound! With the sun and Mercury together in trailblazing Aries, we’re feeling revved up and ready to take initiative on our ideas. 

But don’t act too fast, as action planet Mars enters whimsical Pisces on March 22, pushing us to go with the flow when it comes to tackling goals. A few days later, energy comes to a cosmic climax, as eclipse season officially begins on March 25 with the lunar eclipse in Libra. This powerful full moon eclipse will help to cleanse us of any need to please others, leaving us with more space and energy to be true to ourselves. As you wrap up the month, focus on letting go of codependent habits and claiming your independence.

Your Monthly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign

Read on for your full horoscope for the month of March 2024, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:

  • Aries

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I let go of what holds me back and I embrace what pushes me forward.”

    Your birthday season is coming in hot, so your Aries horoscope for March 2024 is packed with action—but you’ll want to take it easy to save energy for the spring festivities! The first week of the month is intense, as your cosmic ruler Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus—which could stir up drama amongst your friend group or even within your finances. Once chatty Mercury enters your sign on March 9, you’ll have some mental clarity on your side and will be better able to verbalize your needs. Use the introspective new moon on March 10 as a chance to check in with your spiritual side and take things slow. Ideas are flowing, but there’s no need to make any rash moves.

    Get your rest in while you can, because Aries season begins on March 19. This is a major new beginning, so speak your feelings openly and use this burst of energy to start healing any old wounds that may have festered through the winter. These fresh spring vibes are ultra rejuvenating. The lunar eclipse on March 25 is an especially significant one for you, as the moon will be in your relationship zone, facing off with the North Node of Destiny in your sign. You may find that some relationships have run their course, or that some interpersonal dynamics or patterns simply don’t work for you anymore. That’s OK! Listen to your heart and allow yourself to shed what no longer serves you. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Taurus

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I give myself permission to retreat inward, because slowing down is healthy.”

    Your Taurus horoscope for March 2024 is full of opportunities to make connections and have fun. Still, you should spend your energy wisely, as your cravings for solitude may grow as the month goes on! Look out for a little chaos in your career sector early in the month, as both your ruling planet Venus and hotheaded Mars will square off with unpredictable Uranus in your sign, prompting sudden moves or changes of heart about your professional path. Tread lightly! But once the new moon peaks on March 10, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tap into your extended network for support. You’ll find opportunities waiting for you if you go out looking for them! Sweet Venus joins the sun and moon in your friendship zone one day later, making it easier to create harmonious and prosperous connections. Get out and have some fun.

    Aries season brings the sun to your sleepy and introspective twelfth house, so give yourself ample alone time to recharge your batteries between social excursions. This is extra important come March 25, when the year’s first eclipse peaks. If your daily routine isn’t energetically balanced, expect this lunation to clear your slate and help you find a healthier equilibrium. The month wraps up on an optimistic note, as your ruler Venus positively connects with both wild-child Uranus and lucky Jupiter in your sign, promising that unexpected blessings are heading your way. Times may be chaotic, but good fortune is on your side. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Gemini

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I am fully immersed in the present moment; I take advantage of the best opportunities.”

    Your Gemini horoscope for March 2024 brings lots of exciting opportunities to level up in your career and branch out your social circle alike. The auspicious networking vibes really pick up once your chatty cosmic ruler Mercury hits your community-oriented eleventh house on March 9. The whole rest of this month is a fabulous time to make plans with your crew or hit up some happy hours with colleagues. Once the new moon rolls around on March 10, start planting some seeds for your career goals, especially those that feel in alignment with your spiritual truth. You can use the dreamy Piscean lunar energy to inject some creativity into your plans and bring your idealistic visions to life.

    Aries season begins on March 19 and the refreshing energetic shift into springtime will push your social life into full bloom. Catch up with like-minded friends, collaborate with others on projects, and hit up some exciting events to make you feel like part of group. Eclipse season starts during the last week of the month, and it’ll have you digging deep into your passions, hopes, and wishes for the future. The lunar eclipse on March 25 pushes you toward a more radical sense of authenticity, so it’s stop worrying so much about what other people think. Your heart wants what it wants, and it’s time to clear out the gunk from your inspiration channels so you can pull in what’s truly meant for you. Read your full yearly 2024 horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “While I cannot control the future, I always have influence over the outcome.”

    Adventure is calling your name, and your Cancer horoscope for March 2024 gives you plenty of opportunities to answer. The month begins with the sun in fellow water sign Pisces, which inspires you to think outside the box and embrace a more free-spirited approach to life. And once mental planet Mercury dips into your ambitious tenth house on March 9, you’ll be able to channel some of that creative energy into your career trajectory, too. Commit to expanding your horizons in some way under the new moon on March 10, as it’s the perfect time to dive deep into whatever sparks your interest and offers you greater wisdom and perspective.

    Aries season and the spring equinox breathe an exciting spark of energy into your professional life, inspiring you to take the reins in your career and be a little bit bolder about chasing after your goals. Be sure to apply all the growth you’ve been doing in your personal life to your work situation, too—because you have an opportunity to make some major headway toward your goals and push through some barriers that may have kept you from fully standing in your power. The lunar eclipse on March 25 promises to rock your world, encouraging you to work through hang-ups in your personal life and let go of the emotional baggage that’s weighing you down in the outside world. Time to shine! Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Leo

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I would rather know the truth than allow fear to make me ignorant.”

    Your Leo horoscope for March 2024 has you deep in your feelings—as the emotional vibes of Pisces season highlight all the sensitive energetic matter beneath the surface of your relationships and desires. But once intellectual Mercury hits your ninth house of knowledge and adventure on March 9, you’ll feel ready to take a break from the navel-gazing and start expanding your mental horizons. The new moon the following day lights up your sense of intuition, so use it to tap into your soul’s inner knowing and commit to following your truth. Once the sun meets dreamy planet Neptune a week later, you can really start to manifest these intentions and infuse them with your patented Leonian creativity.

    Speaking of creativity, the spring equinox is revitalizing your sense of inspiration, as it aligns with the sun’s entrance into fellow fire sign Aries. This trailblazing energy is perfect for embracing new interests and seeking fresh perspectives on the world. Your mind is a sponge right now, so soak up as much life experience as you can. Consider the lunar eclipse on March 25 your first cosmic lesson of the season, as it’s rising in your communication sector and asking you to let go of your attachment to all the meaningless details that are getting in the way of growth. It’s time to focus on the big picture, so allow the eclipse magic to wash away the distractions. Once you set your sights on something more meaningful, you won’t miss what’s gone one bit. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I am honest and direct without fearing how others will judge my truth.”

    Your Virgo horoscope for March 2024 is putting relationships at the top of your priority list. So ready or not, it’s time to check in on what you’re truly committing to on both a conscious and unconscious level. The first week of March is useful for talking through relationship issues, but conversations will take on a deeper and more intimate tone once your ruling planet Mercury hits your sensitive eighth house on March 9. Get real with your words and speak what’s in your heart! The new moon the following day is a bright and romantic new beginning, bringing a dreamy spark of new love or a meaningful opportunity to deepen a connection in an existing partnership. Love planet Venus joins the new moon party the following day, sweetening up interpersonal dynamics and making it easy to attract what you want.

    Once Aries season begins, you’re plunging beneath the surface of your relationships and getting ultra raw and vulnerable. This is a fabulous time to set stronger boundaries with lovers, colleagues, and friends alike. Protecting your energy is a must! This is extra important once eclipse season rolls around—as the lunar eclipse on March 25 will purge out all the hidden secrets and desires that have been shoved away in your heart’s proverbial junk drawers. Clear out the clutter, both literally and figuratively.  A spring cleaning of the soul has begun. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Libra

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I will no longer be uncomfortable for the sake of someone else’s comfort.”

    All’s fair in love and war, and thanks to eclipse season, your Libra horoscope for March 2024 promises a total evolution of your relationships and your higher self. You’ve been busy with responsibilities and work tasks lately, but once chatty Mercury lights up your partnerships sector on March 9, you’ll be ready to start thinking more about the interpersonal dynamics and patterns in your love life. This is an important time to initiate conversations about what you want, so don’t hold back just because you’re afraid of what other people will think. The new moon on March 10 can help you implement healthy new habits into your routine that help you feel more spiritually attuned and connected—especially helpful, given that your cosmic ruler Venus enters your wellness-oriented sixth house the following day.

    The spring equinox kicks off the sun’s annual journey through your relationship zone. But more importantly, it brings the year’s first eclipse—which is rising in your sign on March 25. This is a massively important moment when it comes to shedding old skins and freeing yourself from any people-pleasing tendencies that prevent you from showing up authentically to others. The universe is pushing you to evolve at a rapid pace, so don’t hold onto pieces of yourself that aren’t aligned with a higher vibration of truth. Go with your growth, and trust that the right people will catch up. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “All good things come to an end so that other good things can begin.”

    This Pisces season is packed with passion and dreamy creativity—but your Scorpio horoscope for March 2024 kicks off with a sprinkle of cosmic chaos, as both value-oriented Venus and your ruling planet Mars square off with unpredictable Uranus in your relationship sector leading up to the new moon on March 10. Surprise shake-ups at home or emotional changes of heart could rock your love boat, so hold off on making any big decisions. The new moon in fellow water sign Pisces brings a bit of a intuitive clarity, giving you a chance to connect to your passions and channel fresh inspiration. You may even spark up an unexpected romance, especially since amorous Venus hits your dating sector the following day. Mid-month is ideal for creative endeavors and fun flirtations alike.

    Once Aries season begins on March 19, responsibilities come into greater focus, encouraging you to do some spring cleaning and get your daily routine more organized. A few days later, initiatory Mars joins Venus in your epressive fifth house, so stack your schedule so that you can devote energy toward both necessary chores and work tasks and your hobbies and passion projects. All work and no play? No way. And lunar eclipse on March 25 is swooping in to make sure of it, as it’s purging you of all the subconscious gunk that’s been accumulating in your spirit. Use this introspective lunar moment to connect with your higher self through journaling, meditation, or good old fashioned rest. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Sagittarius

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “My mind and my intuition work together to bring me the most accurate answers.”

    The emotional waves of Pisces season have you deep in your feels this month, but your Sagittarius horoscope for March 2024 kicks off on a productive note—as the sun harmonizes with your cosmic ruler Jupiter on March 1, bringing positive momentum to your personal goals and helping you smooth out any work or family drama. Mental Mercury hits your inspired fifth house on March 9, catalyzing creative new ideas and some fun flirtations, too. But the new moon on March 10 is an introspective one, so tap into your intuitive knowledge for guidance on how to move forward on these exciting new plans.

    Once the sun enters fellow fire sign Aries on March 19, you’re feeling ready to fully come out of your shell and shed any trace of winter hibernation. Now’s a time to jump back into your passion projects and connect with an open-hearted sense of romance—whether that’s with a lover, a new date, or just the creative juices that have been sustaining you lately. It’s time to work through any hang-ups that are keeping you from embracing true authenticity and pure joy. The lunar eclipse on March 25 will help, as it’s illuminating any friendships or social scenes that may not be aligned with your current evolution. If you’re not surrounded by people who want to see you shine and succeed to your highest capacity, it might be time to tap into a more supportive and high-vibe crew. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I let go of my need for control; I am open to being changed.”

    Pisces season always brings out our sensitive sides, but your Capricorn horoscope for March 2024 is especially full of feeling. This whole month is fabulous for having heartfelt conversations and being more expressive about your emotions, so try to soften up and trust others with your private inner thoughts. The new moon on March 10 is the perfect time to open your heart to meaningful new social connections or some dreamy new ideas, so embrace a go with the flow approach. Lover planet Venus joins the sun and moon in your communication sector the following day, sweetening up your social interactions and making it easy vibe with others. You may even find that flirting is an effective way to get your points across now, too!

    All the emotional work of Pisces season comes in handy, as the spring equinox kicks off a sentimental period of reflection and inner exploration. It’s a good time to touch base with family and check in on domestic matters that may need your attention. Home is definitely where the heart is right now, but once the lunar eclipse swoops in on March 25, you’ll have to balance your attention between your private and public responsibilities. As career-oriented as Capricorns are, you’re realizing that life requires balance, and it’s time to let go of the people-pleasing or perfectionistic tendencies at work that steal much-needed energy away from your emotional life. Embrace the chaos—it’s all part of finding an equilibrium. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I am a magnet for money, abundance, and material comforts that matter.”

    Your Aquarius horoscope for March 2024 is helping you take care of business and have some fun doing it. Pisces season lights up your finance sector, so it’s a fabulous time for budgeting, investing, or perhaps even splurging on something special as a post-birthday treat. Plus, with go-getter Mars in your sign for the first few weeks of month, you’ll feel extra motivated to chase your goals. The new moon on March 10 is especially auspicious for fresh money-making endeavors, so channel this prosperous energy by planting seeds for the future—whether that’s asking for a raise at work, pursuing a new income stream, or saving up for something important. 

    Chatty planet Mercury skips into your communication zone alongside the new moon, bringing a refreshing breeze of excitement into your social life. Spring is coming, so hit up your friends and start catching up! Once Aries season begins on March 19, you’ll feel ready to get out and step back onto your local scene. Just make sure you carve some time out to check in with yourself during the lunar eclipse on March 25, as it’s shaking things up in your worldly ninth house of knowledge. Ready or not, your perspectives on life are shifting, and the paradigms through which you see things may start to feel like they have an outdated prescription. Don’t be afraid to let go of old beliefs. You don’t have to know all the answers, but you also don’t have to stand for things that don’t fully align with your ever-evolving sense of truth. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

  • Pisces

    Monthly Affirmation:
    “I am lucky and beloved by those who matter; everything always works out for me.”

    The sun is shining in your sign for the first few weeks of the month, so your Pisces horoscope for March 2024 is full of magic, growth, and empowerment. It starts with the sun blowing a kiss to your ruling planet Jupiter on March 1, infusing your spirit with inspiration and bringing lucky connections that could lead to exciting new things. A week later, intellectual Mercury links up with your dreamy cosmic co-ruler Neptune, marking a period of heightened intuition and immense creativity. It’s a good time to daydream, make some art, or jot down your visions in a notebook. The new moon in your sign on March 10 is the perfect opportunity to set some meaningful birthday intentions. Whatever seeds you plant now have serious lasting power, so channel this energy wisely! Romantic Venus starts gracing your sign the following day, so trust that your desires will flock to you like bees to honey.

    The spring equinox on March 19 marks the end of your birthday month—which means it’s time to check in on your post-celebration finances and put together a budget for the fresh season ahead. But while the sun may be leaving your sign, go-getter Mars take its place a few days later, so you’ll feel incredibly motivated to slay your goals and take initiative in your life. If you put your mind to it, you can materialize it, Pisces! The lunar eclipse on March 25 plunges you deep into your psyche, clearing the skeletons out of your closet in a big way. It’s time to cut the cord on any relationships, fears, or guilts that have been siphoning your energy force. Think of it as a spiritual spring cleaning. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.
